What would a good teaching strategy be for language arts in a grade 1 classroom and a grade 8 classroom?

3 answers

Language arts is such a broad subject, you need to first determine the goals and objectives of your lesson. Then figure out the best way of involving your students in their learning.
Lets say my lesson was on sentence structure for a grade 1 class, what would be a good strategy to get them to understand that?
I assume that you want the children to learn about complete sentences.

First, demonstrate complete sentences. Show them incomplete sentences and encourage them to finish the sentence. Examples:
The dog wagged . . .
Susie . . .
. . . ran around the block

Then, give each pupil an envelope with 6 or so words on separate cards in it. Each set of words, when put together correctly, forms a complete sentence. After they've arranged the word cards correctly, they put the cards back in the envelope and exchange with a neighbor.