water is neutral
lime juice and HCl are acidic
NaOH is basic
What will be the effect on the colour of blue litmus paper when it is dropped in each of the following solution. 1. Water 2. Lime juice 3. Dilute hydrochloric acid 4. Sodium hydroxide solution.
9 answers
water= blue
lime juice= red
sodium hydroxide=red
dilute hydrochloric acid=blue
lime juice= red
sodium hydroxide=red
dilute hydrochloric acid=blue
Classified the following substance into acid,bases,salts. Vinegar, liquid in car battery,lemon juice,uneipe orange,Espon salt, wood Ash,caustic soda.
What will be the effect of colour blue litmus paper when it is dropped in each of the following sodium hydroxide ,dilute hydroxide ,lime juice and distilled water
Dong Ahmed
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What will be change when red litmus paper is dipped into bicarbonate of soda,distilled water, rain water,white win.