what were the three capitals of Kush throughout its history

1 answer

The three capitals of Kush throughout its history were:

1. Kerma: This was the first capital of the Kingdom of Kush, which existed from around 2500 BCE to 1500 BCE. The city was located on the east bank of the Nile River in present-day Sudan. It was a prosperous city and a major center of trade and culture.

2. Napata: After the decline of Kerma, Napata became the capital of Kush around the 11th century BCE. It was located further south along the Nile River, closer to the fourth cataract. Napata became an important religious center, as it was the site of the Amun temple, dedicated to the god Amun-Ra. It remained the capital until the fourth century BCE.

3. Meroë: Meroë became the new capital of Kush in the fourth century BCE and remained so until the fourth century CE. Located in present-day Sudan, Meroë was strategically located for trade routes and iron production. It flourished as a major center of commerce and culture, and its rulers were often buried in elaborate pyramid structures called "pyramids of Meroë." The city declined following the decline of the Kushite civilization.