What were the factors that played a significant role in the collapse of Russian control over Eastern Europe?
My Answer:
A main factor that played a significant role in the collapse of Russian control over Eastern Europe was a widespread hatred of a corrupt system. There was a high unemployment rate, wages were government controlled and low, and the economy was overall in bad condition. Their government controlled not only the economy, but also their lives. Anybody who resisted or objected them got sent to prisons or forced-labor camps. Many were also executed.
Under Soviet rule, farmland was recognized as state and collective farms. On state farms, workers (most workers were forced into it) received wages like factory workers did. But on collective farms, workers shared any surplus that remained after products were sold and expenses were paid. This raised even more hatred toward the government. Stalin's policies also emphasized on the development of heavy industry. The Soviet Union was the second largest producer of iron and steel in Europe in 1940.
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