What were the causes and effects of the Cuban Missile Crisis? (10 points)

1 answer

1. United States' unsuccessful attempts to overthrow Fidel Castro's regime in Cuba
2. Soviet Union's desire to counter the deployment of U.S. missiles in Turkey
3. United States' discovery of Soviet ballistic missiles being placed in Cuba

1. The United States and the Soviet Union came close to nuclear war, which heightened tensions during the Cold War
2. Both countries implemented measures to prevent a similar crisis from happening again, such as the creation of the "hotline" communication system
3. The crisis led to an agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union, in which the Soviets agreed to remove their missiles from Cuba in exchange for the U.S. promising not to invade Cuba and to remove missiles from Turkey
4. The crisis increased awareness of the dangers of nuclear weapons and helped push for arms control agreements
5. Castro's Cuba became a more significant player on the world stage, as it successfully resisted U.S. efforts to overthrow its government.