Read through some of these sites to help you find three reasons he was a hero.'s+Six+Colorful+Inside+Jobs&rlz=1C1AVSX_enUS414US423&oq=Baldessari's+Six+Colorful+Inside+Jobs&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l2.667j0&sourceid=chrome&espvd=210&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8#es_sm=122&q=Oliver+Cromwell+hero
What were some of the good things Oliver Cromwell did? Bad things? And also what is you opinion on whether he was a hero or villain? I think I am choosing to write about him being a hero because I guess every ruler has it's flairs and flaws, but I just don't know what three reasons I should write about!
2 answers
ok, thank you! But I just read over my criteria and it said that I must include whether he was a person of high moral principles or not and what they were...