What were Mendeleev's reversals?How did Henry Moseley explain them?

Mendeleev thought the periodic table was in order of atomic mass. Mosley determined that atomic number was the correct order.

14 answers

Mendeleev discovered that when some elements were ordered by their atomic mass, they fell into chemically incorrect groups, so he simply reversed their positions, these were Mendeleev's reversals.
According to my calculations I don't know what the answer is. I'm sorry. Better luck next time, hun.
hahahaha ye rite look it up ur seld
i think it was that periodic was unablesad and calculation have benn atemted yo cordnations for massivly high voltages calcualtion for sensationol power tada here u go
i love science
what about Henry Moseley's explanation on Mendeleev's reversals?
i don't have an answer on this one but SCIENCE is COOL!
Well, I believe that Mendeleevs reversals were that he was wrong when he predicted that the Periodic table was ordered from Atomic Mass though it was supposed to be ordered with Atomic Number. An abundance of things have been proven since though I believe that this is the right theory.
U gotz enuff knowledge ballla
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