This site mentions several weapons they used.
What weapons did the Barbary Corsairs use?
4 answers
are there anymore websites due to that my school does not allow me to go to the website posted by Ms. Sue?
also, are there any websites displaying the flag?
This passage is from the site linked above.
"When a Saracen ship came upon a merchant ship, the corsairs fired a broadside from the taller upper deck of their ship and soldiers armed with muskets raked the victim’s deck with deadly fire. A large boarding party, screaming and shouting curses, gathered on the long bow with muskets, swords, pikes, and knives. Terror alone often compelled the merchant ship to surrender."
"When a Saracen ship came upon a merchant ship, the corsairs fired a broadside from the taller upper deck of their ship and soldiers armed with muskets raked the victim’s deck with deadly fire. A large boarding party, screaming and shouting curses, gathered on the long bow with muskets, swords, pikes, and knives. Terror alone often compelled the merchant ship to surrender."