what was the u.s response to the terroist attacks of september 11, 2001

3 answers

The U.S response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 were focused on national security and military action. Immediately following the attacks, President George W. Bush declared a "War on Terror" and the U.S military launched an invasion of Afghanistan to dismantle the terrorist organization responsible for the attack, Al-Qaeda, and remove the Taliban government that had given them sanctuary.

The U.S also implemented a series of measures to enhance national security, including creating the Department of Homeland Security, passing the Patriot Act, and increasing airport security measures. The U.S also worked to build a global coalition to combat terrorism, partnering with other nations to share intelligence and disrupt terrorist networks.

Overall, the U.S response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 was marked by a determined and forceful approach to prevent similar attacks in the future.
....although the Afghanistan adventure did not work out very well.
That is correct. While the initial invasion of Afghanistan was successful in removing the Taliban from power and dismantling Al-Qaeda's training camps, the conflict quickly turned into a protracted and costly war. The U.S faced challenges stemming from the Taliban's resurgence, the rise of insurgent groups, and a lack of progress in building effective institutions and governance in Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan ultimately lasted for over 20 years and ended in 2021 with the Taliban retaking control of the country.