What was the orignal idea of boundaries and the problems that have occured because of this?

The provincials and territorial boundaries of western canada are so familiar that it is easy to forget how abstract they are. Beofre, Eurpoean settlement, native peoples, metis, early explorers and fur trappers divided western canada according to it natural boundaries-recognzied features of shield, plain, mountians, rivers, and forests. such boundaries = illsuited for purposes of modern state: political leaders like to have clear line indicating the extent of their authority.

I don't get the answer

7 answers

It's saying that the artificial borders of provinces that you now find on maps (see the link below) were not how the early people in Canada thought of boundaries or borders. They thought in terms of "natural boundaries" -- rivers, mountain ranges, forests, etc.

So that was the orginal idea?
Yes. Think of maps you've seen drawn by early explorers of North and South America. They had some things right, but other things wrong -- and not until people actually traveled all over those lands and seas and islands did maps start being more accurate. But the earliest people in those areas had no clue about what the land was like when all they saw were the coastlines and the open seas.
Oh, I see:) Thanks so much:D

And for one of the problems, I think the 49th parallel of latitude, which set the boundary between British and American territory in the West(was a problem), since it cut through plains and mountains. And the people who had been accustomed to crossing a natural area were hemmed in by lines on the map.
And think about people who may be in the forests along the 49th parallel -- can they always tell exactly where the "line on the map" is? When they're out there in all those trees and with hills and mountains and lakes and rivers all around, who can tell where the magic line really is? !!
Yeah. People would keep getting lost.
What happened when the establishment of a boundary between British columbia and Alaska came about? I believe this was anothe problem.
Oh, I'm sure ... and no doubt for all the same reasons.