what was the federalist v Democratic-Republicans..
Ie. Alexander Hamilton assumed leadership of Federalist cause and Thomas Jefferson assumed it as Democratic-Republican
9 answers
thank you Ms.Sue.. that helped a lot.. I have a 2nd question.. What is a duel? ie. Alexander Hamilton vs Aaron Burr. was it a rivalry/opposition?
You're welcome, Blaze.
A duel is a prearranged fight, usually with deadly weapons, between two people.
Burr and Hamilton dueled after a long-standing feud grew out of proportion.
A duel is a prearranged fight, usually with deadly weapons, between two people.
Burr and Hamilton dueled after a long-standing feud grew out of proportion.
so basically if Hamilton refused the deul, it would have ended his political career, and by Burr defeating Hamilton in the deul, that ended his? Probably because Burr and Jefferson were rivals as well right?
Yes, they were rivals. And by the code of time, if either had refused to duel, their reputations might have been ruined. I'm not sure that's what would have happened, but obviously they thought so.
One last question. Why did Thomas Jefferson compete with Aaron Burr for presidency instead of John Adams when Adams only served 1 term?,_1800
got it! thanks Ms. Sue.. I slept on this stuff in high school.. Now that I'm in college, I'm highly fascinated! :)
You're welcome.
Great! I'm glad you're appreciating it now. :-)
Great! I'm glad you're appreciating it now. :-)