what was the colonization of the new world like?
8 answers
For which colonists? Vikings? French? English? Spanish? Portuguese?
im writing an essay and have no idea what else to write about...
can i post my essay on here so that you can read it and suggest what other information i should add?
can i post my essay on here so that you can read it and suggest what other information i should add?
Yes, you can post it here, and I'll make suggestions.
Before the year 1492, we couldn't really talk about a world history. The only history this world had was from different regions on earth. After Christopher Columbus discovered the New World there was alot of trading being done. Trades going from the Americas to Europe, Asia, and Africa, and trades going to the Americas from Europe, Asia and Africa. The Columbian Exchange increased the population of animals, people, diseases, and plants.
All trades were something to benefit from, except for disease being brought from the "old world" to the "new world". The only disease the New world had at the time was Syphilis. Syphilis was brought back to the old world from sailors that had returned back to their countries. Imports like Cows,Pigs and Horses were big in the new world. Pigs were one of the biggest and best imports since they changed up the food supply and they bred very quickly. In the Americas very few Europeans experienced hunger. New World plants had the biggest effect on Eurasia.
The Worlds population doubled between the years of 1650 to 1850. Africans usually against their will, made their way to the Americas to become slaves. From the 1500s and later on there were about 10 to 12 million slaves being exported from Africa to the Americas. Europeans viewed slaves as property. Slaved faced unimaginable brutality such as being branded on arms legs or buttocks and being "packed" like "sardines" on a ship on their inhumane trip to the Americas. More than twenty percent of these people never saw land again due to dying from diseases or being thrown over board as discipline. Many captains ensured their profits by cutting off slaves ears for [proof of purchase. Women and children were kept above deck to be abused by the crew while, men were made to perform dances to exercise and curb rebellion.
All trades were something to benefit from, except for disease being brought from the "old world" to the "new world". The only disease the New world had at the time was Syphilis. Syphilis was brought back to the old world from sailors that had returned back to their countries. Imports like Cows,Pigs and Horses were big in the new world. Pigs were one of the biggest and best imports since they changed up the food supply and they bred very quickly. In the Americas very few Europeans experienced hunger. New World plants had the biggest effect on Eurasia.
The Worlds population doubled between the years of 1650 to 1850. Africans usually against their will, made their way to the Americas to become slaves. From the 1500s and later on there were about 10 to 12 million slaves being exported from Africa to the Americas. Europeans viewed slaves as property. Slaved faced unimaginable brutality such as being branded on arms legs or buttocks and being "packed" like "sardines" on a ship on their inhumane trip to the Americas. More than twenty percent of these people never saw land again due to dying from diseases or being thrown over board as discipline. Many captains ensured their profits by cutting off slaves ears for [proof of purchase. Women and children were kept above deck to be abused by the crew while, men were made to perform dances to exercise and curb rebellion.
i need 5 paragraphs... i only have 3 down but i want to try to make is possible my 4th paragraph about colonization.
Expand your first two sentences into an introductory paragraph.
The second paragraph should be about trade. Be sure to include the goods that were shipped from the New World to Europe.
The third paragraph should be about the population.
The fourth paragraph could be about the lives of the European settlers here.
Your last paragraph should be the conclusion that summarizes the essay.
The second paragraph should be about trade. Be sure to include the goods that were shipped from the New World to Europe.
The third paragraph should be about the population.
The fourth paragraph could be about the lives of the European settlers here.
Your last paragraph should be the conclusion that summarizes the essay.
do you know where i could find information about the lives of the european settlers?