What was one difference between the faithful kings and the unfaithful kings?The kings who pleased Jehovah worshipped him with a complete heart. Good King Jehoshaphat “searched for Jehovah with all his heart.” (2 Chron. 22:9) Speaking of Josiah, the inspired record says: “There was no king like him prior to him, who returned to Jehovah with all his heart.” (2 Ki. 23:25) What about Solomon, who in his later years did what was bad? “His heart was not complete.” (1 Ki. 11:4) And regarding Abijam, another unfaithful king, the Bible record states: “His heart was not complete with Jehovah.”​—1 Ki. 15:3.

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1 answer

One key difference between the faithful kings and the unfaithful kings was their heart condition towards Jehovah. Faithful kings like Jehoshaphat and Josiah sought Jehovah with their whole heart, while unfaithful kings like Solomon and Abijam had hearts that were not complete toward Him (2 Chronicles 22:9; 2 Kings 23:25; 1 Kings 11:4; 1 Kings 15:3).