What was Muhammad's role in establishing and spreading islam?

37 answers

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That link doesn't help
Why are most of these people on here no help at all brainly is the BEST
/ \
Writeacher that does not help at all
can someone please help me:(
you are right it doesn't really do anything but writeteacher is just trying to help us!
whats the answer?
This is crazy I just need help!
Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was pivotal in the spread of Islam. It is a true fact that Islam would not have spread without the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He was a unique individual who won the hearts of many. Initially, he won support due to his character and status within Arabia.
Oi you sure that's right because I'd rather not screw this test up
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The religious, social, and political tenets that Muhammad established with the Quran became the foundation of Islam and the Muslim world. Muslims often refer to Muhammad as Prophet Muhammad, or just "The Prophet" or "The Messenger", and regard him as the greatest of all Prophets I HOPE THAT HELPs :)
writeacher the link says it doesnt even exist and i need HELP but there aint no answers
Muhammad acted as a messenger of god , spreading god's messages.
when you research the question the answer is right there at the top, so why go to this website?
Muhammad was the fouder of the Islam and is also considered, in their doctrine, as a messenger and prophet of God. He lived in the period of 570 CE and 632 CE. One of his beliefs was that people were not worshiping God correctly and, after some revelations he had, he proclaimed that God is One and people have to submit to God. The word Slam means surrender. They refer to God as Allah. The followers of Slam are also know as Muslims.
@writeteacher tysm for trying to help your students I'm sorry you get so many dislikes for trying to help us. I just wish everyone would treat you better.
and for anyone reading this go ahead and dislike idk, cause all your doing is cheating with this site. Maybe try out brainly they actually help and you help as well its like a exchange. the site was made by students.
i agree with villain deku, you can get expelled for cheating, actually learn by using brainly
ROBLOX KCA girl is wrong dont use hers
Good god you guys are fools
Brainly you can learn if you subscribe and you don't always learn
I think you are too lazy to find the answer in the article. But basically Muhammad Helped spread Islam by 4890321448932489103248-3249823048123904832904832948329048328432948329481329483204820918493284-90183984320914 hOpE tHiS hElPs! Get dunked on!
If any of my connections students are on this page, I want you to read the lesson and learn from the lesson, not going here. You'll do better if you are reading the lesson, not here looking up answers. Have a nice day students.
You are not Ms.Sue. You do not have the teacher emoji. It is so annoying when people try to pretend that the are teachers. 😑
omg the answers please vvuzbfsabolBJnikzbGUIVjk bxizhbu j
At the time when Mohammad Saheb was born, the social, political, economic and religious condition of the Arab country was very lamentable. There was a lot of incest, tyranny, superstition and anarchy. There was conflict between different castes and tribes. Different castes lived the life of nomads. The ghost was dominated by ghosts and idolatry. Mohammed Saheb started a new religion which is known as the world Islam religion, to remove the curse of Arab society and improve the situation there.

da help is here!
It's easier if you don't cheat and actually read
Muhammad played an extremly large role as in the spread of islam and maybe even can be called the founder of the religion. Also the islam religion might not have spread if was not for muhammad, if he had not had his revilations of meggases from God then the islam religon might not have existed. It would not have spread to Medina and them from midina back to Mecca and thought out of arabia.
I think it had something to do with muhamed being a mesenger from god idk. all know isthat writteacher and ms sue and all the others are actually baked hot dog water
I am the messenger of God
In Islam, Muhammad is revered to as God's messenger. Before Islam, he was a prosperous merchant in his own right. Despite his wealth, he was convinced that Meccan society was too focused on greed, corruption and violence. This led to his decision to flee Mecca on occasion and seek peace of mind, reflect and pray in a remote cave. Muslims believe that on night in the year 610, an angel named Gabriel visited Muhammad in that cave, and instructed him to deliver messages from God. Muhammad set about relaying these messages, or revelations. He began convincing people on the streets of Mecca that there was only one God, or Allah, and that they needed to change their behaviors. Muhammad told them that the messages he received were from the same God as the one who spoke to Abraham, Jesus, and the many prophets of Judaism & Christianity. The revelations Muhammad spoke of in the streets, convinced many Meccans to convert to Islam. Muhammad also met a lot of opposition from people who believed that converting would reduce their status and wealth. They were also fearful that their gods would be angered if they worshipped another god. By 622, Meccans were angered by Muhammad & his message, that he and his followers were driven out. They fled to a town called Medina, 275 miles north of Mecca. Driving he and his followers out of Mecca would prove to be disastrous for Meccans, because as Muhammad settled into his new surroundings, he became a political and military leader of an increasingly powerful community. Not satisfied with driving him out, Meccan armies began attacking Muhammad and his followers. The faith of the Muslims became more & more strengthened, after the many battles, raids and military operation that suppressed Meccans over one decade, a decade that ended Muslims taking power from the Meccans. By 630, Muhammad made his return to Mecca, this time as its ruler, and organized a Muslim community where worship of other gods was banned. He even destroyed statues at the Kaaba that were dedicated to other gods. Muhammad then rededicated the Kaaba as an Islamic holy site. Muhammad led desert tribes to conquer all of the Arabian Peninsula. Quickly, the Muslims united most of Arabia under their rule. Muhammad died, but his death did not stop the spread of his faith. United by Islam, Arabs preached their religion and expanded their rule across Southwest Asia and to many other parts of the world. During his rule, many people converted to Islam. This also lead to the spread of Islam.

Do not copy, these are just ideas.
this men or women said a whole book like wtf
What factors helped the economies of the Muslim empires prosper?
There are several factors that helped the economies of the Muslim empires prosper, including:

1. Trade: The Muslim world was located at the crossroads of several important trade routes. The Islamic caliphs actively promoted international trade and established a vast network of trade routes that stretched from China to Europe.

2. Agriculture: The Muslim empires were able to develop an advanced irrigation system that allowed agriculture to thrive. This resulted in the production of crops like cotton, sugarcane, and rice.

3. Industry: Muslims excelled in the production industry, including paper-making, textiles, and ceramics. The Muslim world was also known for the production of steel and weapons.

4. Technology: Muslim scientists and scholars made significant contributions to the field of science and technology. They developed tools and techniques for navigation, mathematics, and medicine.

5. Banking: Muslim bankers established a system of credit that enabled trade to flourish. These bankers provided loans to merchants, which helped stimulate commercial activity.

Overall, the Muslim empires were able to prosper due to the promotion of trade, agriculture, industry, technology, and banking.