As the central figure in Islam, Muhammad played a critical role in establishing and spreading the religion. Islam was revealed to him by God through the angel Gabriel. Muhammad began preaching Islam in the city of Mecca in 610 CE. Initially, his message was met with opposition from the ruling class and many of the people of Mecca, but over time, he began to attract a following.
In 622 CE, Muhammad and his followers left Mecca and migrated to Medina, an event known as the Hijra. This marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar. In Medina, Muhammad became a political and religious leader, establishing a Muslim community. He also began to spread Islam beyond Medina by sending messengers to neighboring tribes and inviting them to convert to Islam.
Muhammad's military conquests also played a role in the spread of Islam. With his army, he conquered the Arabian Peninsula and parts of Syria and Iraq, consolidating political power in the region and spreading his message.
Throughout his life, Muhammad was known for his teachings on social justice, charity, and morality. He also emphasized the importance of community and unity among Muslims. After his death in 632 CE, his message continued to spread through the efforts of his followers. Under the leadership of his close companions, the Islamic empire expanded, and the religion continued to spread throughout the world.
What was Muhammad’s role in
Establishing and spreading Islam?
1 answer