What was Apartheid in South Africa?

1. Read: This then read worldschildrensprize.org/apartheid-was-legal-racism.html?labelid=1028

a. Explain apartheid in South Africa.
b. Identify two specific things from the webpages above about South African Apartheid that stood out to you.

1 answer

a. Apartheid was a system of legal racial segregation and discrimination that was enforced by the National Party government in South Africa from 1948 to 1994. Under apartheid, the South African government divided the population into four racial categories: white, black, colored (mixed-race), and Indian. Each racial group had separate residential areas, schools, hospitals, and public amenities. The government imposed strict regulations and laws to ensure the separation and control of different racial groups, and interracial relationships and marriages were prohibited. The system was designed to uphold white supremacy and maintain political and economic dominance by the white minority.

b. Two specific things that stood out from the webpage about South African Apartheid are:

1. Apartheid was not just a system of discrimination based on skin color, but it was also a comprehensive system of control and oppression that affected every aspect of people's lives. The webpage mentions that the laws of apartheid extended into areas such as labor, education, health care, and housing, restricting opportunities and resources for non-white South Africans.

2. The webpage also highlights the resilience and resistance of the South African people against apartheid. It mentions the efforts of various anti-apartheid activists, including Nelson Mandela, who played a crucial role in challenging and dismantling the apartheid system. These individuals and organizations fought for equality, justice, and the end of racial segregation. Their struggle eventually led to the downfall of apartheid and the establishment of a democratic government in South Africa.