A hovering Harrier jet possesses negative static stability and positive dynamic stability.
Static stability refers to the tendency of an aircraft to return to its original equilibrium position after being disturbed from it. Negative static stability means that the aircraft tends to move further away from its original position when disturbed.
Dynamic stability, on the other hand, refers to the ability of an aircraft to oscillate around its equilibrium position in a damped manner. Positive dynamic stability means that any oscillations or disturbances will naturally decrease over time and the aircraft will return to its original position.
In the case of a hovering Harrier jet, it is designed to have negative static stability to maintain a steady hover. As a result, any disturbance, like gusts of wind, will cause the jet to move away from its original position.
However, the jet possesses positive dynamic stability, which means that even though it may move away from its equilibrium during a disturbance, it will naturally dampen those oscillations and return to its hover position.
What type(s) of stability does a hovering Harrier jet
possess? Which is/are right: Positive static stability, Neutral static stability, Negative static stability, Positive dynamic stability, Neutral dynamic stability, Negative dynamic stability
1 answer