In 2 John 9-11, the sinners described are those who do not abide in the teachings of Christ and promote false doctrines, and we should avoid greeting or supporting them to remain faithful.
What type of sinners are described at 2 John 9-11? (See also the box “Were John and Paul Discussing the Same Kind of Sin?”)Some may wonder, ‘Doesn’t the Bible say that a Christian who says a greeting to such a person becomes a sharer in his wicked works?’ (Read 2 John 9-11.) The context of this scripture shows that this direction refers to apostates and others who actively promote wrong conduct. (Rev. 2:20) Therefore, if a person is actively promoting apostate teachings or other wrongdoing, the elders would not arrange to visit him. Of course, there is hope that he will come to his senses. Until that happens, though, we would neither greet such a person nor invite him to attend a congregation meeting.
Make a comment, very short sentence, and understandable, use the JW bible
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