what type of poverty occured in the early middle ages?
9 answers
What do you mean by "type" of poverty?
Like what kind of poverty occured in the early middle ages?? if that makes any sense
Poor people had almost no money. If they were serfs, they ate what they grew. They lived in huts supplied by the lord and were paid very little real money. Fuel for heating and cooking was often peat -- and occasionally whatever wood they could scavenge. The one or two changes of clothing was usually second-hand -- either bought or given to them.
Thank you so much. I can barely find anything on the early middle ages and this helped with what i needed. :)) Thanks
You're welcome.
A few poor people lived in cities, but they earned very little money -- only enough to rent a room or two and buy a little food.
A few poor people lived in cities, but they earned very little money -- only enough to rent a room or two and buy a little food.
Umm how did this alter for the better in society?
What do you think?
Hmm well they had to work hard to get paid if the money was little. This could have made this society strong and hard working.
Yes. But disease was rampant, especially among the poor. Poor people were illiterate and at the mercy of their lords or employers.
I don't think such abject poverty ever alters society for the better.
I don't think such abject poverty ever alters society for the better.