What type and amount of personal information should be included in a portfolio I am putting together for a job?

3 answers

It depends on what you mean by 'portfolio' and for what type of job as different posts require very different portfolios. You would take a very different portfolio to an interview for a job as a designer compared to one for a teaching position for example. The latter are often quite imaginative in presentation; I once interviewed a Principal who came with her portfolio on a set of large folding display panels so she could show the whole interviewing panel at once. Suprisingly,perhaps, the designer portfolios I have seen tend to be more conservative.

Generally a resume is included in the portfolio and examples of work. If the latter can be supported by photographs, especially with you doing the work this improves the presentation.

Hope this helps.
it is for an administration job in a long term car organization
You'll get a lot of ideas for a portfolio in these sites.


