Archaic Indians used a variety of tools for various purposes. Some common tools used by Archaic Indians include:
1. Stone tools: They used stone tools such as hand axes, scrapers, choppers, and knives made from flint, chert, or obsidian. These tools were used for cutting, butchering, and scraping tasks.
2. Bone tools: Archaic Indians used bone tools made from animal bones. These included needles, awls, fishhooks, and various types of cutting and scraping tools.
3. Wooden tools: They made tools from wood, including digging sticks, spears, arrows, and atlatls (a throwing stick used to propel spears or darts). Wooden tools were also used for woodworking tasks.
4. Grinding tools: They used grinding stones, known as manos and metates, for grinding and processing plant foods such as corn, beans, and acorns.
5. Leatherworking tools: They used bone awls and stone scrapers to work with animal hides for making clothing, bags, and other items.
6. Fire tools: Archaic Indians used fire for various purposes and likely had tools like fire drills or fire ploughs for creating fire.
7. Basketry tools: Basketry was an important skill, and they used tools such as bone or stone awls for weaving baskets and mats.
It's important to note that the tools used by Archaic Indians varied depending on the specific regional cultures and time periods.
what tools did archaic indians use?
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