What to do if there's food stuck in your throat?

I have food stuck in my throat please tell me what to do.

2 answers

If you have food stuck in your throat, here are some things you can try:

1. Drink fluids: Take small sips of water or any other non-alcoholic beverage to help wash down the food.

2. Eat something soft: Try eating something soft like bread or rice to help push the food down.

3. Cough: Coughing can help dislodge the food from your throat. However, if you are unable to cough, do not force it as it may cause more harm.

4. Try the Heimlich maneuver: If you are choking and unable to breathe, ask someone to perform the Heimlich maneuver on you.

5. Seek medical attention: If the food is still stuck in your throat after trying these methods, seek medical attention immediately.
Im not choking or anything its stuck on the side of my throat (btw I ate oatmeal and the oats are stuck.) But ill try these ty!