what three things explain how we know that the Harappan civilization of the indus river was advanced

1 answer

1) Urban Planning and Engineering: The Harappan civilization displayed exceptional urban planning and engineering skills. The cities of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, for instance, had well-organized street layouts, multi-story brick houses, sophisticated drainage systems, and public baths. The advanced level of urban planning and infrastructure indicates a highly organized society with expertise in construction and engineering.

2) Writing System: The Harappan civilization had a unique and complex writing system known as the Indus script. Inscriptions using this script have been found on seals, pottery, and other artifacts. Although the script remains undeciphered, its existence alone demonstrates a high level of intellectual development, as writing is an important component of social and administrative organization.

3) Trade and Commerce: Archaeological excavations have revealed evidence of long-distance trade networks operated by the Harappans. Various artifacts such as beads, pottery, and precious stones have been discovered in sites across the Indus Valley, suggesting an extensive trade network with regions as far as Mesopotamia and Central Asia. The ability to establish and maintain such trade routes indicates significant economic and logistical capacities within the Harappan civilization.

These three aspects – urban planning, a writing system, and trade networks – provide clear evidence of the advanced nature of the Harappan civilization along the Indus River.