2x + 3y + 4z = 5
2x - y + 2z = 3
5x + 2y - z = 8
the matrix equation for this would be :
⎡2 3 4⎤⎡x⎤.. ⎡5⎤
⎜2-1 2⎜⎜y⎜= ⎜3⎟
⎣5 2-1⎦⎜z⎟..⎣8⎦
(Hard to line up nicely)
At this point it is essential that you learn matrix multiplication.
Also learn about "inverse matrix" and how to find it
what the heck is a matrice equation? and why wasnt i taught this in high school. I instantly hate math 102
2 answers
I watched a video on that. I kinda understand what they were doing. I believe must of it was simple multiplication. My instructor said we wont use this much in math 102. Maybe two or three questions on a test. But that's about it. With that being said I must get as much info as possible since this is a whole new system I never learned.