The correct answer is packet switching and transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP).
These technologies were necessary for the creation of the internet because packet switching allows data to be broken down into small packets for efficient transmission over the network, while TCP/IP provides the rules for how data should be transmitted and received over the network. These technologies laid the foundation for the development of the internet as we know it today.
While technologies such as HTTP, HTTPS, HTML, cloud computing, and Wi-Fi are important components of the internet, they were not essential for its creation. The ARPANET project, which led to the development of the internet, relied on packet switching and TCP/IP to establish a network that could withstand nuclear attacks and connect various research institutions.
What technologies were necessary for the internet’s creation?
may you please tell me the correct answer and why it is that one
packet switching and transmission control protocol/internet protocol
packet switching and transmission control protocol/internet protocol
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure and Hypertext Markup Language
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure and Hypertext Markup Language
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency research and cloud
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency research and cloud
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network and Wi-Fi
1 answer