What structure still works to pump out sodium and potassium in while resting to maintain the concentration

a. cell body
b. axons
c. dendrites
d. synapse

All of the following are characteristic of the passive potassium channel except _____.
a. found on cell body, axons, and dendrites
b. produces resting membrane potential
c. opened and closed by gates
d. always open

Which of the following is not
characteristic of the sodium channel?
a. Always open.
b. Only sodium may pass through.
c. Found along axons not dendrites.
d. Produces action potential.

Chemcially-gated channels are not found on the _____.
a. dendrites
b. axon
c. cell body

Depolarization causes the _____.
a. voltage-gated potassium channels close
b. voltage-gated sodium channels close
c. voltage-gated potassium channels open
d. voltage-gatred sodium channels open

The name that indicates that the membrane potential is moving from a more positive value toward the
resting membrane potential is _____.
a. depolarization
b. repolarization
c. hyperpolarization
d. hypopolarization

Electrical synapses are characterized by all the following except _____,
a. slow speed
b. cannot be inhibitory
c. can synchronize activity of postsynaptic cells
d. signal cannot be modified as it passes from one cell to the next

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a chemical synapse?
a. May be excitatory or inhibitory.
b. Modify the signal as it passes from one cell to the next.
c. Slow speed.
d. Can synchronize activity of postsynaptic cells.

Ach is always excitatory and causes contraction.
a. true
b. false

The effector organs of the autonomic nervous system where Ach is excitatory includes all the following
except the _____.
a. salivary glands
b. heart
c. intestines
d. stomach

Those behaviors that involve the action of indirectly acting neurotransmitters include all except _____.
a. sweating palms
b. heart pounding rapidly
c. falling asleep
d. playing soccer

Which of the following produces EPSP?
a. voltage-gated channels
b. chemically-gated by Ach
c. chemically-gated by GABA
d. none of the above

Chloride ions pass through which channels?
a. voltage-gated channels
b. chemically-gated by Ach
c. chemically-gated by GABA
d. none of the above

Which of the following function for the generation and propagation of action potentials?
a. voltage-gated channels
b. chemically-gated by Ach
c. chemically-gated by GABA
d. none of the above

Which of the following neurotransmitters acts indirectly only?
a. glycine
b. serotonin
c. Ach
d. dopamine

The comparative amplitude of a synaptic potential is _____.
a. small amplitude with a decrease with distance
b. small amplitude with an increase with distance
c. large amplitude with a decrease with distance
d. large amplitude with an increase with distance

The action potential _____.
a. has a small amplitude that decreases with distances
b. continuously regenerates along an entire axon
c. is associated with short-distance signals
d. functions as an input signal of a neuron

The stimulus for opening ion channels of a synaptic potential is a(n) _____.
a. long-distance signal
b. output of a signal
c. voltage change
d. chemical

1 answer

1. Cell body