What strategies can you use to help students cope with math anxiety? How can you make math class interesting and fun as well as relevant?

2 answers

I like useing sign on builing that have number in colors.
And write with my favor pen that is my favor color. Also useing blocks with colors.
Honestly, everyone gets anxious when it comes to math. You must accept the fact that you need math in your life, no matter what. What I had begun doing was asking questions, it eases the stress of not knowing whats right. If you don't understand it, ask the teacher. Make sure you understand what the teacher is explaining to you! This might seem pointless, but the moment you feel comfortable enough to ask questions and are able to answer the questions correctly, math will come easy and the anxiety won't be there as much. I know the feeling, but its gotten better for me because of this. Also, listen to music. I enjoy classical, but whatever kind of music you find comforting, listen to it.
Please, doll, do not stress over math. The moment you let go of that negativity math will be better.