what steps do you think can be taken to reduce the harmful effects of human activities on biogeochemical cycles?

i don't know

What steps do you think can be taken to reduce the harmful effects of human activities on biogeochemical cycles?

The first major step to take would be to cut down on pollution. Human pollution has introduced elements into the cycle that nature was not prepared to handle. If we could cut down on burning fossil fuels, dumping oil and chemicals into our water system, and burying our waste, we could make a significant difference. Also with modern technology we could develop methods to clean and cut down on the amount of pollutants introduced into nature. Non chemical factors that have affected our environment include the massive agricultural impact we have and the over hunting and fishing that are throwing nature off balance. If we could also slow the rate of our farming practices, we could possibly give the earth more time to heal.

The types of business most affected by this would be oil refineries, large factories, gas companies, vehicle manufacturers, farmers, hunters, fisherman, and recycling companies. Aside from the recycling companies, all of the other businesses would take a big hit in profits because of the money it would take for them to cut down on the pollutants with safer practices. Although we continue to search for alternate methods of energy production, the results often yield something more costly or not efficient enough.

The first major step to take would be to cut down on pollution. Human pollution has introduced elements into the cycle that nature was not prepared to handle. If we could cut down on burning fossil fuels, dumping oil and chemicals into our water system, and burying our waste, we could make a significant difference. Also with modern technology we could develop methods to clean and cut down on the amount of pollutants introduced into nature. Non chemical factors that have affected our environment include the massive agricultural impact we have and the over hunting and fishing that are throwing nature off balance. If we could also slow the rate of our farming practices, we could possibly give the earth more time to heal.

The types of business most affected by this would be oil refineries, large factories, gas companies, vehicle manufacturers, farmers, hunters, fisherman, and recycling companies. Aside from the recycling companies, all of the other businesses would take a big hit in profits because of the money it would take for them to cut down on the pollutants with safer practices. Although we continue to search for alternate methods of energy production, the results often yield something more costly or not efficient enough.