What steps did the Roman Empire take to expand and support trade select the three correct answers.

A built a vast network of paved roads be raise taxes on ordinary citizens see sent in navy to clear the seas of pirates d seized conquered peoples as enslaved workers E open stadiums for mass public entertainment F coin silver and gold currency. PLEASE GIVE ALL ANSWERS PLEASE.

28 answers

Why do you feel the need to cheat, when all the answers are in your textbook?
We only want help to check our answer's. I'm not trying to cheat! Is
Mrs. Susan still here?
Sorry not Mrs. Susan i meant Mrs. Sue is she still here she was extremely helpful
il give you the answers
What. I dont see answers. Uh oh i should get the metal doors ready
i need answers
Help give me answers plz
help please please
@jordan, @tessa, @truck, and @help i cant believe you've been cheating on the test, i may have to call you're parents for this!
Who even are you April, this is an anonymous website you don't know their parents or even if they have them-
Enzo is right though :/
I agree with Enzo. This website is anonymous so you wouldn't know anyone's parents just by this website. Go torment some other place.
The Roman and Byzantine Empires Unit Test for connections academy
1: Built a vast network of paved roads, Sent its navy to clear the seas of pirates, Coined silver and gold currency.
2: Octavian, Marcus Aurelius (IN ORDER).
3: Conversion of many non-Jews.
4: Through the travels of his followers on Roman roads.
5: showing compassion for the poor.
6: Gospels: Parables, Teachings of Jesus.
Epistles: Letters, Manny Written by Paul.
Revelation: Last Book, Return of Jesus.
7: The death and resurrection of Jesus.
8: It is the part of the Christian scriptures that tells about the life of Jesus.
9: Ethics and right behavior, Only one god, The Ten Commandments.
10: The Mediterranean Sea helped it connect with civilizations in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
11: Trained slaves and criminals fought in mock battles against one another or animals.
12: At its height, the empire comprised nearly 1.7 million square miles of land and water.
13: Imperial Crisis leads to civil war. Huns attack the empire and drive German peoples ahead of them. Roman forces withdraw from Britain as Goths attack Rome. Odoacer topples Romulus Augustus. (IN ORDER).
14: The Huns attacked the Germanic tribes, who became refugees.
15: Roman Empire: Augustus dependent on trade
Byzantine Empire: Justinian dependent on trade
16: Russians adopted the Cyrillic alphabet.
17: Arrival of invaders.
18: Legal, Twelve Tables, Emperor, Justinian’s Code. (IN ORDER).
19: Emperor as head of the church: Eastern Orthodox Church. Holy Bible: Both. Jesus as savior: Both. Pope as head of the church: Roman Catholic Church
20: The Great Schism resulted most directly from the Byzantine rejection of the pope.
21: (on your own) my answer: I think the Roman Empire thought of Christianity as a possible threat to their religion. At the beginning of Christianity, the Roman empire didn't think of them as much of a threat, that is as long as the citizens obeyed and paid their taxes to the empire. Christianity grew and grew they began to think of it as a threat because the citizens didn't believe in the god and goddess as their leader, they believed in Jesus as the Messiah.
22: (on your own) my answer: The Crisis of the Third Century, also known as Military Anarchy or the Imperial Crisis (235–284 AD), was a period in which the Roman Empire nearly collapsed.

Hope I Could help and have a wonderful day!
YourAveragePersons11 is completely right! Your a life saver my guy, thanks
YourAveragePersons11, You are an absolute lifesaver! Thank you!
@YourAveragePersons11 I dub thee the helper of the people
YourAveragePersons11 you are a total life saver
for the writing questions they put you are on your own put they put their answer anyway. hahahahahhahahahahahhahhhahahaha.
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Hello, this is the real answer, or go to YourAveragePersons11
1. built a vast network of paved roads
sent its navy to clear the seas of pirates
coined silver and gold currency

2. Octavian. Marcus Aurelius. (in the order!)

3. conversion of many non-Jews

4. through the travels of his followers on Roman roads

5. showing compassion for the poor.

Gospels: teachings of Jesus. parables
Epistles: many written by paul. letters
Revelation: return of Jesus. Last book

7. the death and resurrection of Jesus

8. It is the part of the Christian scriptures that tells about the life of Jesus.

ethics and right behavior
only one god
the Ten Commandments

10. The Mediterranean Sea helped it connect with civilizations in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

11. Trained slaves and criminals fought in mock battles against one another or animals.

12. At its height, the empire comprised nearly 1.7 million square miles of land and water.

Imperial Crisis leads to civil war.
Huns attack the empire and drive German peoples ahead of them.
Roman forces withdraw from Britain as Goths attack Rome.
Odoacer topples Romulus Augustus.
(In this order!)
14. The Huns attacked the Germanic tribes, who became refugees.

Roman Empire: Augustus. dependent on trade
Byzantine Empire: Justinian. dependent on trade

16. Russians adopted the Cyrillic alphabet.

17. arrival of invaders

Twelve Tables
Justinian’s Code
(In this order!)

emperor as head of the church: Eastern Orthodox Church
Holy Bible: Both
Jesus as savior: Both
pope as head of the church: Roman Catholic Church
20. Byzantine rejection of the pope

21. The Roman Empire didn't like the Christianity and thought that they were gonna attack them. But, towards the start of Christianity, the Roman empire did not really worry about them attacking, if the citizens payed their taxes and obeyed the empire they were good. So when the Christianity grew larger by the day, the citizens started to not believe that their leaders were gods or goddess, and started to believe jesus as the leader.

22. When the Crisis of the Third century, known as the Military Anarchy, Time period was around 233 - 287 AD, This was age when The Roman Empire just about disappeared.

don't copy the last two, just write it with different words or make it longer or shorter!
YourAveragePersons11 is a complete legend. no question
YourAveragePersons11 is correct thanks bro!!
yo this dude called YourAveragePerson11 copyed the last question 21 from google www.worldhistory.org/Crisis_of_the_Third_Century/
hold on
Crisis of the Third Century | Military Wiki | Fandom
wont let me post
but yall know what i mean