What steps can local police departments take in order to implement a policy standard for dealing with illegal immigrants?
1 answer
1. local police should be prohibited from arresting or detaining persons for the sole purpose of investigating their immigration status. 2. Officers should arrest persons who violate the criminal laws of their jurisdictions without regard to immigration status of the alleged perpetrator or the victim. 3. Local police must uphold the Constitutional and civil rights of persons regardless of their immigration status. 4. Local police must protect crime victims and witnesses regardless of their immigration status, and should encourage all victims and witnesses to report crimes, regardless of their immigration status. 5. Local police should engage immigrant communities in dialogue about department policies and programs. 6. Local police should develop comprehensive written policies and procedures regarding handling of undocumented immigrants and 8. Local police agencies should become knowledgeable about program such as secure communities, and state or local initiatives to ensure that the programs meet the agency’s specified goals for participation