Which skills or concepts do you want to teach?
Think of the skills taught from lower el through middle school:
* counting
* addition -- including multiple digit numerals
* subtraction -- including multiple digit numerals
* multiplication -- tables and more complex problems
* division -- simple and long division
* calculator use
* fractions -- understanding, ordering, addition, subtraction, multiplying dividing
* decimals
* percentages
* introduction to equations
* figuring perimeter, area, volume
* and others -- depending upon the curriculum
I suggest you choose three of these concepts and explain in detail how you would teach them to a specific grade.
What skills will you teach and how will you teach them in mathematics. need 200 words and all I have so far is:
I can teach this concept to students in a lower elementary grade and to students in a middle school grade by
2 answers
On second thought, I suggest you choose teaching preschoolers or kindergartners to count.
Some of the usual activities include:
Counting the people present each day.
Counting days on a calendar
Worksheets where the pupils count objects and write the numbers
Go into detail about how you would instruct and carry out these activities.
Some of the usual activities include:
Counting the people present each day.
Counting days on a calendar
Worksheets where the pupils count objects and write the numbers
Go into detail about how you would instruct and carry out these activities.