What should you do if you and your friend went out to the woods in the middle of nowhere and out of nowhere your friend goes into shock what should you do?

And an medical doctor isn't for miles what should you do?

1 answer

If your friend goes into shock while you are in the woods, it's important to act quickly and calmly. Follow these steps:

  1. Assess the Situation: Determine if your friend is conscious and responsive. Check for any visible injuries or signs of a medical emergency.

  2. Call for Help if Possible: If you have cell service, call emergency services immediately to get professional help on the way. Provide them with your exact location if you can.

  3. Keep Them Calm and Comfortable: If your friend is conscious, reassure them and encourage them to remain calm. Anxiety can worsen shock.

  4. Position Them Properly: If it’s safe to do so, have your friend lie down and elevate their legs slightly (around 12 inches), unless there is a leg injury or it's painful for them.

  5. Cover Them: Keep your friend warm. Use any available materials, such as jackets, blankets, or leaves, to prevent hypothermia.

  6. Monitor Their Condition: Keep an eye on their breathing and responsiveness. If they become unconscious or their condition worsens, be prepared to perform CPR if you are trained to do so.

  7. Look for Causes of Shock: If you can identify the cause (like severe bleeding, allergic reaction, or dehydration), take steps to address it:

    • For bleeding, apply pressure to wounds if applicable.
    • For allergic reactions, help them use an epinephrine auto-injector if they have one and are trained to use it.
    • For dehydration, encourage them to sip water if they are conscious and able to drink.
  8. Stay With Your Friend: Until help arrives, stay by your friend’s side, monitor their condition, and provide reassurance.

It's important to remember that shock can be life-threatening. Quick and decisive actions are essential in increasing your friend's chances of recovery.