If a snake bites your friend and there is no medical help nearby, follow these steps:
Keep Calm: Try to stay calm and reassure your friend. Panic can worsen the situation.
Encourage Immobility: Ask your friend to keep the affected limb as still and relaxed as possible to slow the spread of venom.
Seek Help: If it's safe to do so, try to get help as quickly as possible. If you have a phone and there’s signal, call emergency services immediately.
Remove Tight Clothing and Jewelry: Gently remove any tight clothing or jewelry around the bite site to prevent swelling.
Position the Victim: Have your friend lie down and keep the bite area below the level of the heart if possible.
Clean the Bite: If you can do so safely, clean the bite area with soap and water, but do not apply ice, tourniquets, or cut the bite area.
Monitor Symptoms: Keep an eye on your friend's symptoms. Look for signs of shock or severe symptoms like difficulty breathing, swelling, or changes in consciousness.
Avoid Certain First Aid Measures:
- Do not suck out the venom.
- Do not apply ice.
- Do not use a tourniquet.
- Do not administer alcohol or caffeine.
Get to Medical Help: As soon as you can, transport your friend to the nearest medical facility for antivenom treatment.
Document Details: If possible, take note of the snake's color, shape, and behavior as this information can be important for medical treatment.
Quick action and keeping your friend calm can make a significant difference in the outcome of a snake bite.