What should you do if you and your friend went out to the woods in the middle of nowhere and out of nowhere a snake comes and bites him?

1 answer

If your friend gets bitten by a snake, it's important to act quickly and carefully. Here are steps you should take:

  1. Stay Calm: Try to keep both you and your friend calm. Panic can increase heart rate and spread venom more quickly.

  2. Keep Your Friend Still: Have your friend stay as still as possible to slow the spread of venom through the body. Encourage them to lie down and keep the bitten limb immobile and at or slightly below heart level.

  3. Get Medical Help: Call for emergency medical assistance immediately if you have a phone signal. If you're in a remote area and cannot call for help, begin making your way to help, but do so cautiously.

  4. Remove Tight Clothing and Jewelry: If the bite is on an arm or leg, remove any tight clothing, jewelry, or accessories near the bite site to allow for swelling.

  5. Do Not:

    • Suck out the venom: This is ineffective and can introduce bacteria.
    • Apply ice or a tourniquet: These can do more harm than good.
    • Drink alcohol or caffeine: These can speed up the absorption of venom.
  6. Note the Snake: If possible, try to remember the snake's color and size. This information can be helpful for medical professionals, but do not try to catch or kill the snake.

  7. Monitor Symptoms: Keep an eye on your friend’s symptoms. If they exhibit severe signs (such as difficulty breathing, swelling, or loss of consciousness), be prepared to inform medical personnel about these changes.

  8. Keep Your Friend Comfortable: Help them stay calm and reassured while you wait for help to arrive.

The most crucial step is to get medical attention as soon as possible, as time is critical in snakebite situations.