what should my conclusion paragraph say in this essay?

The sport of team roping is one of the more interesting events in the rodeo industry and has skyrocketed in popularity. This essay will explore the history, techniques, and cultural significance of team roping as a beloved rodeo sport.

The history of team roping came from the actions of ranch hands in the 1700s to take care of a hurt member of the herd, brand cattle, or tag calves. This daily activity turned into a world-famous rodeo event. Today, team roping is an event that requires a crazy amount of coordination between two ropers and two horses to place on the leaderboard and get money. Most rodeo events require that you and your horse are a team and no other person is involved in your run, but one interesting fact about team roping is that it is the only sport in rodeo that you are on a team with another person and their horse. It is a very challenging sport because you have to do many challenging things in very little time, and if you want to be fast you have to take some serious risks.

Team Roping is a timed event with a two-person two-horse team that competes to catch a steer as fast as they possibly can. The first roper in the left starting box is referred to as the "header", the header is the person who ropes the front of the steer, usually around the horns, and wraps or “dallies” the rope around the horn of the saddle to pull the steer to the left to give their other team member a good shot at catching the steer. The second roper starting in the right box, is the "heeler", who ropes the steer by its two hind feet once the header turns the steer. The timer starts when the steer runs out of the chute and it ends when the two horses are facing the steer the header's rope is tight around the horns or neck and the heeler's rope has tension on the steer's two hind legs. This sport requires a crazy amount of timing, and speed, and the horse has to be very strong and athletic. It is a risky sport though because when the horses are running as hard as they can, you can easily get discombobulated and that is not good because when you dally and turn your steer many people get their fingers stuck in between the rope and the saddle horn and it will cut your finger off, it is common on the heel side especially.

This sport has really grown in popularity and has been having many fast times lately, one of the top teams in the world ran a time of 3.1 this December during the national finals rodeo. It is one of the most popular sports in rodeo because of how much of a challenge it is. Another reason people get into team roping is because of the amount of money you can make, when you start you can make a few hundred bucks here and there but when you are the best of the best one solid run could make you thirty thousand dollars! To make that kind of money you have to have the best horses, best ropes, best teachers, best partners, and be extremely talented, dedicated, and practice every chance you can get, that's why it is so few and far between that there is someone who can have that successful of a rodeo career. But occasionally when two people want it bad enough they can achieve that level of success.

1 answer

In conclusion, team roping is a fascinating and challenging sport that has evolved from a daily task to a world-famous rodeo event. With its unique combination of coordination, timing, and risk-taking, team roping requires skilled athletes and well-trained horses. Its popularity has surged due to the thrill and excitement it offers both participants and spectators. Moreover, the potential for substantial financial rewards attracts the most dedicated and talented individuals to the sport. While achieving a successful rodeo career in team roping requires immense dedication and hard work, those who possess the passion and determination can reach the highest level of success.