WHAT SHOULD I WRITE!?This is a practice assignment. In this writing assignment you will write a description, classification, or division paragraph on the topic of your choosing.

Your Assignment
Write a description, classification, or division paragraph on the topic of your choice.
Your paragraph should use the basic structure of a description, classification, or division paragraph (a topic sentence, at least three supporting sentences in the body of your paragraph, and a concluding sentence or "clincher").
If you're writing a description paragraph, you should write about the subject that your topic sentence introduces for at least three sentences using words that appeal to the senses.

If you're writing a classification paragraph, you should be able to divide the group your topic sentence introduces into at least three classifications.
If you're writing a division paragraph, you should be able to divide the item your topic sentence introduces into at least three parts.
Your paragraph should be well crafted and written in 12-point font with one-inch page margins.
Tips for Success
Brainstorming, Prewriting, and Outlining
Before you try to write your paragraph, brainstorm ideas and organize your thoughts. You may also want to prewrite using listing or clustering.

Then write a simple, informal outline of your paragraph with a thesis, three supporting points, and a conclusion.
Writing a Description Paragraph
Begin with a topic sentence that introduces something you can describe in language that appeals to the senses.
After the topic sentence, follow with a body that includes at least three supporting sentences that describe the subject the topic sentence introduces.
Follow your body with a clincher sentence.
Be sure to include transitions to guide your reader from sentence to sentence.
Be sure to write in complete sentences.
Be sure to use proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling.
Writing a Classification Paragraph
Begin with a topic sentence that introduces something you can classify into at least three smaller groups.
After the topic sentence, follow with a body that includes at least three supporting sentences that carry out the classification (one classification per sentence).
Follow your body with a clincher sentence.
Be sure to include transitions to guide your reader from sentence to sentence.
Be sure to write in complete sentences.
Be sure to use proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling.
Writing a Division Paragraph
Begin with a topic sentence that introduces something you can divide into at least three parts.
After the topic sentence, follow with a body that includes at least three supporting sentences that carry out the division (one part per sentence).
Follow your body with a clincher sentence.
Be sure to include transitions to guide your reader from sentence to sentence.
Be sure to write in complete sentences.
Be sure to use proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling.
Global Review
Does everything in your paragraph advance the point in your topic sentence?
Are there sentences that should be deleted or added?
Is the paragraph in the best order possible?
Local Review
Did you check your paragraph to ensure correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar?

1 answer

Title: The Essence of a Cup of Coffee

There is a certain artistry and complexity behind the seemingly simple cup of coffee. To begin with, one must consider the three main types of coffee beans: Arabica, Robusta, and Liberica. Arabica beans are the most popular and widely consumed, known for their smooth, mild flavor and lower acidity. In contrast, Robusta beans contain a higher caffeine content and boast a stronger, more bitter taste, often used in espresso blends. Lastly, Liberica beans contribute a unique taste profile, providing a woody and fruity flavor with subtle hints of floral notes.

Furthermore, the brewing method significantly impacts the coffee's final taste and intensity. For example, the classic drip coffee maker creates a somewhat lighter and less robust brew, as hot water filters through ground coffee beans in a paper or metal filter. On the other hand, the French press method, which involves immersing coffee grounds in hot water and then pressing them through a mesh plunger, results in a richer, bolder cup. The third popular brewing method is the espresso machine, which forces pressurized, heated water through compacted coffee grounds, producing a robust and concentrated shot, often used as a base for other coffee beverages such as cappuccinos and lattes.

Lastly, the choice of additional ingredients can further enhance or alter the coffee's flavor, catering to individual preferences. For those who enjoy a sweeter touch, sugar or syrups, such as vanilla or caramel, can be added to the beverage, creating a more dessert-like experience. Conversely, those who prefer a savory or creamy note can opt for different types of milk or dairy substitutes, such as almond or oat milk. Finally, for the true coffee purists, there is always the option to enjoy it black, with no added flavors, allowing the unique characteristics of the coffee bean and brewing method to truly shine.

In conclusion, the simple act of enjoying a cup of coffee is, in fact, a multifaceted experience that can be tailored to individual tastes through the selection of beans, brewing methods, and additional ingredients. The diversity of options ensures that there is a perfect cup of coffee for everyone, providing warmth, comfort, and a daily ritual that unites people worldwide.