what shampoo or anything other then that can you use to make your hair grow longer?
9 answers
The only answer is time. Nothing makes your hair grow longer except for time.
I would have to say the same thing is time. I know a lady that says if you pull the hair back tight in a ponytail it helps.
but, the shampoos such as Pantene(beautiful lengths) , are those all lies?
Why would that help? I doubt if the lady really knows what she's talking about.
I think that it can help your be stronger.
on thing that my mother uses is horse shampoo
on thing that my mother uses is horse shampoo
Please read the Pantene ads carefully. Do they really say that this shampoo helps hair grow longer?
I just really want my hair to grow longer, I hate having short hair:-(
Patience! Patience! Patience!
Eat a healthy diet and take good care of your hair. It will grow longer in due time. According to this website, normally hair grows a maximum of 6 inches a year.
Eat a healthy diet and take good care of your hair. It will grow longer in due time. According to this website, normally hair grows a maximum of 6 inches a year.
i cut my hair 3 months ago, and it still didn't grow back enough.
grew just about 1/2 inch
grew just about 1/2 inch