what s the osc illating theory of universe?

the oscilaating theory of the universe is the theory on the universe expanding. The gravitational pull of all the galaxies plus whatever the other matter existed in the universe would be great enough to slow down that expansion or even reverse it.

Can you please rephrase this to something I can understand clearly, thanks

2 answers

In the oscillating theory of the universe, it is expanding at the present time (following the "Big Bang") but gravitational forces are so strong that the burned-out galaxies will eventually reverse and come back together in a "Big Crunch" that will reignite another expansion.

Recent measurements indicate that an unknown repulsive force is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate. If this is true, the universe is not expected to oscillate.

Stay tuned. No one really knows
thank you drwls, I appreciate your input :-)