What role have las pepenadores played in México, and what has been the result? Write your answer in English.

1 answer

Las Pepenadoras, or waste pickers, are an essential part of the informal waste management system in Mexico. They are primarily low-income women who collect recyclable materials from landfills, trash bins, and streets.

Their role has been vital in reducing the amount of waste in landfills, promoting recycling, and creating a sustainable system of waste management. They have also contributed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Mexico.

However, despite their contribution to the environment, Pepenadoras face many challenges, including harassment, exploitation, and lack of recognition, as their work is often stigmatized and not seen as a legitimate profession.

The result of this has been the creation of grassroots organizations that advocate for the rights of waste pickers and work towards addressing their needs. Additionally, many municipalities in Mexico have started to recognize the importance of Pepenadoras and have implemented programs to support their work and inclusion in the formal economy.

Overall, the role of las Pepenadoras in Mexico has been critical in promoting sustainable waste management practices while highlighting the importance of recognizing and protecting the rights of workers in the informal economy.