In Job 31:1, Job made a strong resolve by forming a "covenant with his eyes," committing himself not to look at other women with lust. This decision helped him steer clear of temptation and potential sin, particularly adultery. Similarly, we can also make firm resolutions to avoid situations or influences that might lead us to stray, ensuring we stay aligned with our moral values.
What resolve did Job make, and how would it help him guard against temptation? (Job 31:1)To avoid situations that lead to sin, we will need to make a firm resolve. That is what Job did. He “made a covenant with [his] eyes” never to look lustfully at other women. (Read Job 31:1.) Adhering to that resolve would keep him far away from committing adultery. We too can resolve to avoid anything that is likely to lead to temptation.
Make a comment, with the paragraph, make it very short and very understandable, use the JW bible to answer the question provided
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