What relationship do these figures, states and provinces or territories with high mortality rates, appear to have to the urban/rural population ratio?
14 answers
And your answer is?
These figures appear to have a relationship in which the infant mortality rate affects the urban/rural population, lessening its amount.
Your answer makes no sense. Which has the higher infant mortality rate? Urban or rural populations???
Do you understand the meanings of these words?
Do you understand the meanings of these words?
Yes, I do.
The question is asking what type of relationship do the figures, which is a list of state and provinces or territories with high mortality rates, appear to have with an ratio of urban and rural populations. I believe the answer to be what I have written, in which states that infant morality rate affects urban/rural population, causing it lessen in amount, and number.
Am I correct?
The question is asking what type of relationship do the figures, which is a list of state and provinces or territories with high mortality rates, appear to have with an ratio of urban and rural populations. I believe the answer to be what I have written, in which states that infant morality rate affects urban/rural population, causing it lessen in amount, and number.
Am I correct?
Is the infant mortality rate higher in urban areas? Or is it higher in rural areas?
infant mortality -- death of infants -- generally under the age of 12 months
urban area -- city
rural area -- not city; farmland; country
More infants die in the country than they do in the city.
Infant mortality is usually greater in rural areas.
urban area -- city
rural area -- not city; farmland; country
More infants die in the country than they do in the city.
Infant mortality is usually greater in rural areas.
My textbook does not state any of the information needed to answer your questions.
People in cities are closer to doctors and hospitals than people in the country.
So then perhaps the answer is, "These figures appear to have a relationship in which the infant mortality rate is far greater in rural areas than in urban areas?
These figures appear to have a relationship in which the infant mortality rate is far greater in rural areas than in urban areas, due to the distance from hospitals and proper medical care?
Thank you. I truly appreciate your effort in trying to guide me towards the answer.
You're welcome.