What reason did Jefferson give for urging passage of the Embargo Act?

(1 point)

to protect American traders
to protect American traders
to avoid war over seized ships
to avoid war over seized ships
to increase the power of the Republican Party
to increase the power of the Republican Party
to decrease the power and influence of New England merchants
to decrease the power and influence of New England merchants

11 answers

to avoid war over seized ships
Native American women are shown trading with two white men at a counter inside a trading post.
Use the image to answer the question.
In what way does this image relate to Tecumseh’s opinion about the relationship between Native Americans and white settlers?
(1 point)

It shows the cultural exchange that Tecumseh supported.
It shows the cultural exchange that Tecumseh supported.
It shows the dependence on whites that Tecumseh criticized.
It shows the dependence on whites that Tecumseh criticized.
It shows Native Americans learning from whites, which Tecumseh encouraged.
It shows Native Americans learning from whites, which Tecumseh encouraged.
It shows whites taking advantage of Native Americans, which Tecumseh resented.
It shows whites taking advantage of Native Americans, which Tecumseh resented.
It shows the dependence on whites that Tecumseh criticized.
An infographic titled The War of 1812 lists information about the causes, the first declaration, and the combatants’ preparedness for war.
A chart with information about the War of 1812 is divided into three sections. Section 1 contains the causes for the war: British interfere with American shipping; British kidnap American sailors; Americans believe British are persuading Native Americans to fight settlers; some members of Congress (War Hawks) want U.S. expansion into Canada. Section 2 states that Congress is divided over the first declaration of war: 62% of the House is in favor, and 38% is opposed; 59% of the Senate is in favor, and 41% is opposed. Section 3 compares the United States and Britain’s preparedness for the War of 1812. The United States had 12,000 troops, 6 warships, 4,000 sailors, and 1,800 marines. Britain had 10,000 British and Canadian troops, 584 warships of which only 2 were available, 140,000 sailors worldwide, and 31,000 marines.
Use the image to answer the question.
Based on the information in the chart, why might Congress have been divided about declaring war on Britain?
(1 point)

Members of Congress did not believe the American military could compete with the British military.
Members of Congress did not believe the American military could compete with the British military.
The War Hawks had more supporters in the House of Representatives than in the Senate.
The War Hawks had more supporters in the House of Representatives than in the Senate.
Southern representatives were less concerned about British interference in American shipping.
Southern representatives were less concerned about British interference in American shipping.
Some representatives were not convinced that the rumors about the Native American attacks were true.
Some representatives were not convinced that the rumors about the Native American attacks were true.
Members of Congress did not believe the American military could compete with the British military.
The British blockade had hurt New England’s sea trade. Also, many New Englanders feared that the United States might win land in Florida and Canada. If new states were carved out of these lands, the South and the West would become more influential than New England.

Delegates from around New England met in Hartford, Connecticut, in December 1814. Most were Federalists. They disliked the Democratic Republican President and the war.

Some delegates to the Hartford Convention threatened to nullify, or cancel, the state of war in their states if the war continued. Others threatened to leave the Union.

Then, while the delegates debated what to do, news of the peace treaty arrived. The Hartford Convention ended quickly. With the war over, the protest was meaningless. In the end, the threat of secession further weakened the dying Federalist party.
Use the excerpt to answer the question.
Based on this excerpt from the text, how did news of the peace treaty weaken the Federalist Party?
(1 point)

They were now subject to remaining in the Union.
They were now subject to remaining in the Union.
The party's efforts seemed pointless and disloyal.
The party's efforts seemed pointless and disloyal.
They were now unable to negotiate new political landscapes.
They were now unable to negotiate new political landscapes.
They were now forced to support the United States’ expansion into Canada.
The party's efforts seemed pointless and disloyal.
How would Clay’s American System with high tariffs on imported goods have benefited the West and South?
(1 point)

He expected that money from tariffs would be used to help farmers ship their goods to the North.
He expected that money from tariffs would be used to help farmers ship their goods to the North.
He expected that Northerners would use their profits to buy farmed goods from the West and South.
He expected that Northerners would use their profits to buy farmed goods from the West and South.
He expected that the South and West would profit by importing goods from countries on which the United States did not impose the tariff.
He expected that the South and West would profit by importing goods from countries on which the United States did not impose the tariff.
He expected that state-constructed roads, which would make the transportation of goods from each region profitable, would be built from the funds.
He expected that state-constructed roads, which would make the transportation of goods from each region profitable, would be built from the funds.
How did Spain’s refusal to destroy Negro Fort affect Florida?
(1 point)

It led to General Jackson’s troops’ first invasion of the territory.
It led to General Jackson’s troops’ first invasion of the territory.
It gave the Seminoles an empowered stance against the United States.
It gave the Seminoles an empowered stance against the United States.
It showed that Spain did not view General Jackson as a significant threat.
It showed that Spain did not view General Jackson as a significant threat.
It proved that Spain was not going to give up the territory without a bitter fight.
It led to General Jackson’s troops’ first invasion of the territory.