What reading roles are there to choose from? Is word watcher one of them? Lol
Sorry I never pay attention to that stuff and I probably should.
If word watcher is one, I think I'm going to do that one.
5 answers
Leading roles in or for what?
For a book. Like what we have to do as we read through the book
What do you have to do as you read through a book?
Reading role, That's what I'm asking. Ik all my answers are right on the test but I'm not sure about the last question which is writing.
Should I just wing it?
Should I just wing it?
Maybe you should ask the teacher if you can and if he's says no he can't help you would just wing t because if you don't pass the writing question and he says o you didn't pass this question then you should say to him well sorry but you said wouldn't help me get clarification so you caused and effected my grade. Thank you so much teacher( whatever you're teacher's name is).