What percent of water is not easily accessible or usable on earth?
*A. .6%
B. 12.5%
C. 50%
D. 99%
Subtract the answer from the last question from 100%. What does the remainder represent and what are the sources of this percentage of water?
A. 97% rivers only
B. 1% lakes, rivers and ground water
*C. 99.4% lakes only
D. 50% atmosphere and soil moisture
Thank You.
5 answers
Then it would have to be the opposite of what I am thinking - 99% for the first question and 1% for the second....right?
Right. Questions written in the negative are always tricky. <g>
Thank you very much.
One more question ms. Sue:
Would that mean that oceans/saltwater, glaciers, ice caps, ice and snow are all unusable sources of water?
One more question ms. Sue:
Would that mean that oceans/saltwater, glaciers, ice caps, ice and snow are all unusable sources of water?
You're welcome.
You're welcome.