What motivated most Africans Americans soldiers

to fight in the Revolutionary War with the

6 answers

You're asking a bunch of questions without indicating what YOU THINK about any of this.

1. Read, re-read, and re-re-read your text. Study it well.

2. Indicate what YOU THINK the correct answer is for each of your questions, and someone here will check them for you.
thank you write teacher.
Man you suck we just had one question and you had to go and make us read more. We have been reading this whole entire unit, so when we forget one thing we come here to get help, and then there are people like you so thanks a lot stupidteacher.
ikr like fake aHH they even know the answer we ask for ONE SIMPLE ANSWER then u ova here telling us to read sum mo. CHILE ANYWAYS SO~
my god, why can't we just know the answer...
answer is A