What might life be like on other planets?
3 answers
On other planets, life may rely on completely different things then we do...there could also be no oceans and perhaps only rock. Life may not need to live off oxygen, and may be well passed out level of intelligence.
Scientists tell us that if there is life on other planets it will not look anything like we do.To look like we do, conditions on that planet would have had to be exactly as on Earth from the very beginning; the same primeval soup; the same mutations and evolutionary steps as here. It would also depend on the physical make-up of the planet. How big is it; how dense; what are the day and night temperatures on it - how far away is it located from its star?
Our Earth is in a perfect place - not too close to our sun and not too far away; the temperatures and our atmosphere are just right for life to thrive. Conditions on another planet may be totally different and lethal to us but perfect for the kind of life there.
Our Earth is in a perfect place - not too close to our sun and not too far away; the temperatures and our atmosphere are just right for life to thrive. Conditions on another planet may be totally different and lethal to us but perfect for the kind of life there.
The atmosphere is very important also; what is it made-up of and what is the pressure. Again, for life on Earth, our atmosphere is just perfect but may not be so for potential visitors from another planet.