What might a city find it necessary to do when initiating a beach nourishment project?
14 answers
No offense but it was pretty unhelpful and it didn't answer my question, I know what beach nourishment is.
What do YOU think the city should do?
Beach nourishment describes a process by which sediment, usually sand, lost through longshore drift or erosion is replaced from other sources. Wikipedia
Yes I already knew that, but recommending websites like wiki or telling the definition isn't helpful to me.
doesnt it make it hard to tell the schools when people are home schooled
the city would have to find nearby cement suppliers to renovate the beaches of eroded sand
wait nevermind they would have to raise taxes
The answers are as follows:
What might a city find it necessary to do when initiating a beach nourishment project?
Answer: Raise Taxes.
In which situation would beach nourishment be a good solution to issues caused by beach erosion?
Answer: A beach experienced massive sand loss after a recent hurricane.
What is the purpose of beach nourishment? Select the two correct answers.
Answer: To replenish sand on a beach. | To mitigate beach erosion for a period of time.
How are vegetation management and beach nourishment similar in the ways they combat beach erosion?
Answer: Both relocate materials back to the shore.
Which of the following effects do shifting shorelines have on beaches?
Answer: They cause narrower beach areas.
Which of the following is a potential drawback of using jetties to prevent beach erosion?
Answer: Beach erosion may increase on the downdrift side of the jetties.
These answers are listed in the order I found them in on my assignment. So, @gods plan, you would be correct, they would need to raise taxes. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember: Save the World!
What might a city find it necessary to do when initiating a beach nourishment project?
Answer: Raise Taxes.
In which situation would beach nourishment be a good solution to issues caused by beach erosion?
Answer: A beach experienced massive sand loss after a recent hurricane.
What is the purpose of beach nourishment? Select the two correct answers.
Answer: To replenish sand on a beach. | To mitigate beach erosion for a period of time.
How are vegetation management and beach nourishment similar in the ways they combat beach erosion?
Answer: Both relocate materials back to the shore.
Which of the following effects do shifting shorelines have on beaches?
Answer: They cause narrower beach areas.
Which of the following is a potential drawback of using jetties to prevent beach erosion?
Answer: Beach erosion may increase on the downdrift side of the jetties.
These answers are listed in the order I found them in on my assignment. So, @gods plan, you would be correct, they would need to raise taxes. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember: Save the World!
MooningChickens is 100% right :)
Can confirm MooingChickens is correct thank you!
MooingChickens still right
-Mooning Chickens is still correct has of 2023 lol
thanks @mooning chickens nice name btw