What methods were used in Ghana to gain independence from Britain?

1 answer

1. Nonviolent resistance: Ghanaian nationalists organized protests, boycotts, strikes, and other forms of nonviolent resistance against British colonial rule.

2. Diplomatic efforts: Ghanaian leaders, such as Kwame Nkrumah, engaged in diplomatic efforts to gain international support for their cause, including enlisting the support of other African and Asian countries in the fight for independence.

3. Legal challenges: Ghanaian nationalists used legal avenues to challenge British colonial rule, including petitions to the British government and legal challenges in the colonial courts.

4. Armed struggle: Some factions within the independence movement resorted to armed struggle against the British colonial authorities, including the formation of guerrilla groups and armed militias.

5. International pressure: The United Nations and other international organizations played a role in pressuring Britain to grant independence to Ghana and other African colonies.

6. Mobilization of the masses: Independence leaders in Ghana mobilized the masses and organized mass movements to demand self-rule and independence from British colonial rule.