Un "turista cortés" es aquel que muestra respeto por la cultura y las costumbres del lugar que está visitando. Esto se refleja en su comportamiento y actitud hacia los habitantes locales y el entorno en general.
Además, un turista cortés es aquel que es consciente de su impacto en el lugar que está visitando y se esfuerza por ser responsable ambientalmente. Esto puede incluir ser respetuoso con el medio ambiente, evitar dejar basura en lugares públicos y respetar las normas locales de conservación.
What makes a "turista cortés" ? Be sure to include at least two things. You should explain your answer in Spanish or a combination of English and Spanish
3 answers
in english
A "turista cortés" is someone who shows respect for the culture and customs of the place they are visiting. This is reflected in their behavior and attitude towards the local residents and the environment in general.
Additionally, a courteous tourist is someone who is aware of their impact on the place they are visiting and strives to be environmentally responsible. This can include being respectful to the environment, avoiding littering in public places, and respecting local conservation regulations.
Additionally, a courteous tourist is someone who is aware of their impact on the place they are visiting and strives to be environmentally responsible. This can include being respectful to the environment, avoiding littering in public places, and respecting local conservation regulations.