The key factor that made the Malcontents different from other groups in colonial Georgia was their dissatisfaction with the political and social structure established by the Trustees of the colony. The Malcontents were a diverse group of settlers who were critical of the Trustees' policies and practices. Some specific factors that set them apart include:
1. Land Productivity: Unlike other groups, the Malcontents often settled on less fertile land. As a result, they struggled with agricultural productivity and economic success.
2. Denial of Religious Freedom: The Trustees of Georgia initially restricted religious practices and discouraged the establishment of churches. This policy particularly angered the Malcontents who desired religious freedom and the ability to practice their faith without interference.
3. Self-Sufficiency: Many Malcontents paid their own way to the colony and received little assistance from the Trustees. This self-sufficiency differentiated them from other groups who may have received more support or resources from the Trustees.
4. Troubles with Yamacraw Indians: The Malcontents faced difficulties and conflicts with the Yamacraw Indians, who were the indigenous people of the region. These conflicts caused further challenges for the settlers and impacted their relationship with the Native American community.
Overall, the combination of land issues, religious restrictions, limited support, and conflicts with Native Americans distinguished the Malcontents from other groups in colonial Georgia.
what made the malcontents different from other groups in colonial georgia?
their land was not productive
they were denied religious freedom
most of them paid their own way with little assistance
they had trouble with the yamacraw indians
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